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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does shipping take?

Please note that our order processing typically takes between 24 to 48 hours to ensure accuracy and quality. However, in certain situations, processing times may extend beyond this timeframe.

Following order processing, your items will be promptly dispatched to our esteemed customers. While we endeavor to deliver your purchases promptly, please anticipate a shipping duration ranging from 3 to 15 business days, contingent upon your shipping destination.

We understand that delays in transit can occur, particularly with UPS Shipping. Therefore, we kindly request your understanding and patience should your shipment take longer than anticipated.

In rare instances, shipping may extend up to 28 days in the most exceptional circumstances. Rest assured, we are committed to resolving any issues swiftly and efficiently to ensure your satisfaction.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding.

Size Charts

We offer size charts on every individual item on the product page!

Contact Us

Please contact us via the contact page /pages/contact or you can also reach us on our instagram @menacefits

Follow us on social media! @menacefits